Project Description

This example book is to inspire you on your journey to creating one with your child.

If you are curious to know more then buy the life story pack for £5.

Here are some of the things that I CAN do!

Starter titles to help your child express more  [For more of these see the life story pack]

Here are some more things I can say about my family…

What my family look like

What I like best about being in my family

Something nice about my brother is

Something nice about my mummy is

Something nice about my daddy is

Something that happened

 This bit is private and I will only share it with who I want to.  I keep it in an envelope in my book. Anything I don’t want to share I can just take out of the folder the life story book is in.

When I was six years old my daddy stopped living with us.  It was scary as there was lots of noises the night he went,  like crying and shouting.  The door banged very hard when he left and there was no one in my bedroom with me to tell me what had happened.  I could hear my brother calling out so I went into his room and sat with him.  Mummy did explain to me why they would not stay married and let me talk about how angry I was with both of them. That was a long time after.

But now my mummy and daddy are friends again but not friends enough to live together.   I do still see my daddy and have a nice time with him in the weekends.  I think he misses our dog Skipsie but sometimes I am allowed to take Skipsie to stay with him.  This is good as the park near the flat that daddy has is much better than the park where we live.  It has a café with delicious ice cream and a wood with a stream in it.  Sometimes I wish they were both here but mainly it is nicer as there is not any shouting and it is pieceful here and at daddy’s.

SCOTLAND where I have had my favourite holidays

My Nan and Grandpa live in Scotland which is a beautiful and cold country although sometimes if it hot and summer you can swim in the lochs [that means lake in Scottish] but they are still very cold.  There is lots of history to know about Scotland and I am learning it a little bit at a time.   Here are some nice pictures of it and a map which I have put rings on for where I have been.

Here are some postcards I have picked.  I put them together in different orders and make up stories with my mum.  Sometimes she says a sentence and then I do.  We make it as long or short as I feel like.  She has lots of postcards so I pick different ones each time.  I make Skipsy, our dog, a superhero sometimes and tell a story about what he manages to do in each picture. You have to use your imagination and it is fun and funny!

Something I believe in

Places I have been

Countries I want to visit when I am older

An adventure I’ve had

The 20 starter sentences that give a flash of me!

[See life story pack]

Future Visions of my life as a grown up if I could wish it now!  You will have to guess what I mean by looking at the collage.

See Life Story Pack for warm up games and challenging conversations


Add all you can about their birth- see useful websites in the life story pack- and gather friends and families memories of baby and birth time in sentence form to add to this page. Remember with all subjects to add more information if you keep going with the autobiography in a way that is attuned to the development and interest that your child shows in the subject.


Get some photos and pictures of birthday parties and allow your child to talk about special people and friendships in their lives.  Ask your child about funny memories or stories and adventures they may recall involving these people

Favourites page
For many more ideas on favourite themes see life story pack.

Natalie Salaman©

My life story planner

Children Important Conversations
Example Template
Buy our pack here