Later Life

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Using Art for Life Stories


Find someone who does cartoons [as shown below] that illustrate an element of your parent or friend's life.  Feed your ideas to this person and see what they produce or Do It Yourself!  Check out the ‘Golden Celebration of Life’ booklet below which is Collage and Caption Style and has no need for artistic [...]

Music Musings


Follow this YouTube link to see the effects of participation during just one song in a choir for the elderly: Music has so much potential to bring people back in touch with forgotten parts of their lives and self.  Parts of the brain that respond to music do [...]



Academic Article on Reminisence groups Activity Resources step by step guide Activity Resources and dementia Alzheimers Dementia UK Lifestory- guidance for using template and tips for life story Dementia_UK_Life_Story_Template_new_logo Guide to LifeStoryTools for care givers Lifestory starter images Research into potential of LSW in SW practice for elderly Salisbury Hospital Reminiscence Workshops

Stimulating conversation and connecting to a sense of self in the vulnerable elderly


Prompters can bring back memories, sensations and feelings that are positive, rewarding and enjoyable to revisit or visit afresh in your company. There is no way of predicting the conversations that can take off from these starters and only two or more people can make the chemistry of communication happen.  This can bring pleasures [...]



Poetry is a powerful medium which cuts directly to universal feelings, thoughts and potentially speaks the language of the heart.  At the same time it involves extremely personal associations and culture, class, age and temperament play their part in what is enjoyed.  It can provide an invisible bridge of understanding for shaky times.  I [...]

Tips for Caring Kindly


… for someone with dementia or with age related wobbles of ability. Four Sections : General Principles: What can I do to help? Arrange the Household, Financial Affairs, A Loved One in a Home for the Elderly:  Tips for spotting the quality of a home   1. General Principles Be a source of regularity for [...]