Project Description

My personally biased Top Ten Classics for late primary school age that explore a life story from a child or animal’s perspective.

Scroll to bottom of page for other choices.  This wonderful link will give you access to free audible books for all ages and with books in French, Italian and four other languages:

For free boredom blocking resources into different worlds for adults and children alike do see this link:

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Top Ten!

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Book and Film

Life seen through the eyes of a horse in Victorian times set in England. Black Beauty endures changes of owners, happy and unhappy homes and great cruelty by individuals and society. Readers from 8 upwards can enjoy this novel which is timeless in terms of it’s insights into the human heart as well as increasing empathy for beasts of burden. There is an abridged version for younger readers [Ladybird classics]

Peter Pan by J.M Barry
Book and Film

A story that celebrates a child based world where lost children hold the power, where cruelty and danger lurk yet holding a resolution where family is missed and the adult dominated world returned to.
There is an abridged version for younger readers [Ladybird classics]

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgkins Burnett
Book and Film

The story of what happened to a poor spoiled little misfit rich girl who loved no one and none loved set and written in Edwardian times with some of the prejudices of these times voiced in the characters. Abandoned and losing everything the heroine is taken to a reclusive uncle’s home. There she discovers much that takes her from aloneness to connection.
There is an abridged verion for younger readers [Ladybird classics].

Stig of the Dump by Clive King
Book and Film

A story of a child’s discovery of a character that no one else believes in- communication and bonding without a common language occurs- and there are heroic antics that the grownups eventually recognise.

Tom’s Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce
Book and Film

Tom loneliness and boredom are left as he time and space travels to an upper class Victorian mansion whilst staying with his aunt and uncle. The boundaries and blurring of the inner and outer emotional and physical world are mind spinningly visited as a love story unravels.

Born to Run by Michael Morpurgo

A story through the eyes of a dog whose start in life is that he is unwanted. Sheer chance leads to him meeting young Patrick on his way to school and the adventures, losses and loves of ‘Best Mate’ take us on a page turning journey.

The Borrowers Mary Norton
Book and Film[The Borrowers Aloft, Afield, Abridged, Avenged are others in this series]

These books are about tiny people who borrow from humans whose floorboards they live beneath. Trust and the sense of belonging and how it is to be an outsider are explored in these adventures. What lies unnoticed by our eyes but right in front of us is a theme children might enjoy.

Wonder RJ Palacio
Book and Film

A novel about appearance and depth; how difference impacts on friendship and the misery of bullying. The sibling issue where one gets more attention than the other is also sensitively explored.

Monster calls Patrick Ness
Book and Film

The theme of death and loss are explored and how the main character learns to cope with both as a monster visits in the night and his mother is threatened by cancer.

The Incredible Journey
Book and Film

A survival novel about a Siamese cat, a Labrador retriever and a bull terrier who get parted from their owners and embark on the journey to find them again having adventures and showing qualities of loyalty and courage.

Other AMAZING authors:

JK Rowling, ES Nesbitt, Rick Riordan, Jaqueline Wilson, Philip Pulman, Roald Dahl and the list goes on and on.

Use the two links below to access a suitable book for your child:

Children’s Book Review

If you are interested in picture books for very young children then look no further than this fantastic website:

The books within the website above cover:  Loss, Separation, Death, Divorce, Kindness, Non traditional families, Absence, Sadness, Anxiety, Owning a pet, Fear of the dark, Washing and good hygiene, Gratitude, Wearing glasses or eye patches, Doctors, Hospitals and Operations, Disabilities, New Baby, Holidays and Travel, Starting School, Confidence and self esteem, Tidiness and Helping out, Shyness, Listening and Cooperation.  These picture books contain hope and inspiration